Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Supervisory Meeting 6 for Nothando Ngwenya – Wednesday 13th of December 2006 at 1:45pm in PK’s office

Present: NN, PK, SM

Handed in the 3rd draft of paper to be submitted to Health Informatics journal. Discussed the referencing method required for the paper (Vancouver style) and also to add a statement that the paper is work in progress.

Discussed methodology for the project on the proposal (RDC1) which is to be submitted on the 2nd of January 2007 in time for the University Research sub Committee meeting on Tuesday 30-Jan-07 at 9:30am in Stafford.

Some editions on the RDC 1 included:
Linking the aims and objectives.
Instead of using a health status measurement tool, open-ended questionnaires can be used pre and post blogging on the perceived effects of blogging.
Both Nvivo and LIWC will be used to analyse data.
Sample will be of convenience and not randomly selected.
Paul suggested doing a pilot study where the final method of the research will emerge from.

...................Hospice forms to wait till the proposal has been approved by the University
One hospice visit is left:-

Paul offered to draft a response letter to Severn Hospice and also to inform them that we will be in touch as soon as the proposals have gone through the relevant committees.

Things to do by next meeting

Contact Catherine Howlett at St Katherine House hospice and inform her that we will not be submitting the proposal in January. Request the date for the next meeting to submit documents and forms. Explain reasons carefully.

Remind Paul to write the standard hospice letter.

Ask Elaine to order the LIWC software.

Supervisors to complete their proforma CV for the RDC1 form.

Friday, 24 November 2006

Supervisory Meeting 5 for Nothando Ngwenya – Friday 24 November 2006 at 4pm

Requested a change of assessment for the negotiated module. Instead of writing a reflective essay I will report on a conference I have attended as I have to do another reflective essay for the PgCRM core module – Research Skills.

Received and discussed feedback on the first draft of the conference paper, some points and issues raised are:
1) to try and not start sentences with an author,
2) I have to include my supervisor’s details on papers I write,
3) Be more precise, numerate the ‘most’ and ‘ a lot’,
4) Check references and make sure everyone cited has been referenced,
5) Try to be consistent with use of terms – people, individuals, users, carers,
6) Consistency with references and multiple authors.
The paper does not answer the question asked therefore more should be added in the conclusion to say how tradition MEETS innovation.

Paul suggested we try to submit the paper in the Health Informatics journal.

Stella advised to post a question online on how weblogs differ from other online communication tools like e-mails, chat rooms etc, also suggested e-mailing Jenny Preece for more information.
One hospice visit is left:-

The meeting at ........hospice went well, just waiting for their feedback on whether they would like to take part in the research project.
Paul offered to write a standard letter to thank the hospices for their hospitality and time taken to discuss the project and also to request an official letter of their acceptance to take part in the project.

We then discussed the RDC1 and the first draft was handed in. Supervisors identified some of the risks for the risk assessment and Paul will ask Lisa Beeston to stand in as a safeguard on the emotional risk I might go through.

The next meeting is on the 13th of December 2006 at 11:00am.

Things to do by next meeting

Get the hand in deadline for the RDC1.The next Research Degrees Sub-Committee will be on Tuesday 30-Jan-07 at 9:30am in Stafford.

Remind Paul to write the standard hospice letter.

Check Health Informatics author guidelines for manuscript submission.

Check .............hospice research proposal forms and see what additional information is needed to complete them.

To check the LREC/ MREC ethics procedures and important deadlines to look out for.

Practise using Endnote in word in, and how to activate ‘cite while you write’ tool – ask Nardia for help.

Wednesday, 18 October 2006

Supervisory Meeting 3 for Nothando Ngwenya – 18 October 2006

Feedback on the Module proposal form procedure – The Learning contract can only be done after a skills audit which I will get hold of on the 4th of November when I start the PgCRM (Postgraduate certificate in Research Methods). The module proposal form for the Independent Study module will be completed after this date as well.
Confirmed on the hospice visits:-
Paul and Stella will try to write or speak to the Chief Executive of Douglas Macmillan Hospice as they have said they cannot take part in the Research.

Discussion on sensitivity issue and code of ethics should I come across material that is distressing. Stella said she will look at the BCS code to see if we can make reference and find guidance on the issue. At the moment suggestion is that I am under no obligation to read, or use any distressing, or offensive literature of any form narrative, pictorial etc.

Changes made on the conference paper plan to include more about weblogs, (see appendix 1).

Stella will check details of the conference to see the requirements on paper content.

Brief discussion on the curriculum and deadlines I should be looking out for. At the moment I should complete the assignment and then work on the RDC1 Proposal for December 2006.
Deadline for draft of paper will be end of the month

The next meeting is on 30th of October 2006

Things to do by next meeting

Continue working on the essay with the necessary changes made on the outline.
Practice using RefViz and Blogpulse and see how the programs can be used efficiently.
Make a list of questions and information for the hospice visits.
Make an annotated bibliography.

Appendix 1.

Conference Paper Plan + Outline

Abstract (150 – 200words)

Introduction (500words)
Issues raised in past papers and research
Demonstrate that I have something worthwhile to add to research
Establish the critical content of the paper
Provide basic background
Define Key terms and new terms

Therapeutic writing Background (600words)
Writing theories and benefits of writing
Science Paradigm – Pennebaker, Francis, Lange
Humanistic Approach – Bolton, Hunt, Sampson

Online Communities in Healthcare (700words)
Definitions of online communities
How does cyberspace facilitate therapy

History and analysis of weblogs (700words)
History of weblogs
Socio-technical Issues – user issues and user characteristics
Different types of blogs and their characteristics

Weblogs and Information management (700words)
· Informing or Engaging
Human aspects of Information Systems
Characteristics of weblogs that match those of Therapeutic writing

Conclusion (500words)
Review of literature and issues raised by the paper
Future implications and recommendations

Research Questions

1) How do Therapeutic writers manage the information?
2) How do/would weblogs portray that information?
3) Does the use of software and hardware form a barrier to therapeutic writers and what are the limitations of blogging?
4) What if any are the advantages of using weblogs as a therapeutic modality?
5) What benefits does IT bring to the psychotherapy industry?
Supervisory Meeting 2 for Nothando Ngwenya – 18 October 2006

Started with a brief feedback on what I have been doing so far- mainly collecting information, resources and reading on therapeutic writing.

Made a decision on the negotiated module I would do for PgCRM and settled for the Independent study module with 30credits. SHM58915-M.

It was finally agreed that instead of 2 essays for assessment I could complete:
1) conference paper (4000 – 5000 words)
2) Discussion reflection paper (2000 words)
3) PowerPoint Presentation

Discussion on the learning outcomes of the Module proposal form and hand in dates for committee approval.

Stella will e-mail details of the conference to check for deadlines and material content
Review of the dates for the hospice visits, so far we have one confirmed date and one tentative date:

Deadline for first draft of paper will be end of the month (provisional date – 2nd of November 2006)

The next meeting is on the 18th of October 2006 at 16:00pm

Things to do by next meeting

Work with Lou on completing the Independent study module proposal form and hand in procedures

Start intensive research and reading/ literature review on therapeutic writing – and identify core theories and models within therapeutic writing.

Confirm the rest of the hospice visits

Start practising endnote, mindmap and other useful software
1st draft of paper/ assignment.

Thursday, 14 September 2006

Supervisory Meeting 1 for Nothando Ngwenya – 14 September 2006

We started off with a brief discussion on tasks set out by Rob on the 4th/09 – to explore the origins of blogs and key thinkers around blogging and healthcare.

Some references found on blogs and health included – John Suler’s The Psychology of Cyberspace. Paul advised to ask Elaine to order the book if it would be useful and relevant.

Discussion on the PgCRM and the modules for negotiated study. Paul advised on a non taught module relevant to my research and Stella suggested the computing module – Discipline Specific Module with an essay on The History of Blogs. The other 15credits could be from another negotiated study module in the Health Faculty on Therapeutic Writing.

Paul suggested looking at the ethical requirements for my research and to speak to Nadia and Anna about the ethics committee.

Brief discussion on the Hospice contacts led to a choice of 4 hospices to visit by Christmas. Idea behind the choices is to include a demographic study as per the location of the four hospices (convenient day for the visits– Monday):-

We talked about the use of blogs in other settings like mental health or after a major operation and other health settings. We all agreed that this could be a future project/PhD, so for the moment my Research will be left as hospice settings.

It was agreed to hold the meetings fortnightly so the next meeting is on 28th September 2006 at 10:00am.

Things to do by next meeting

Attend Stella’s introduction on the Discipline Specific Module on Monday 18th at 3:10pm.Get more information /timetable and enrolment requirements.

Contact Nadia and Anna on the procedure/process and contacts of the Research ethics committee.

Contact the Chief Executives of the 4 chosen hospices to ask permission to do research – make all appointments by Christmas – Elaine has offered to call the hospices.

Read through the RDC1 Form and Learning contract to see what requirements and deadlines they might be.

Get more information from Lou on the Negotiated study module in the Health Faculty.
Start review on the History of Blogs