Supervisory Meeting 5 for Nothando Ngwenya – Friday 24 November 2006 at 4pm
Requested a change of assessment for the negotiated module. Instead of writing a reflective essay I will report on a conference I have attended as I have to do another reflective essay for the PgCRM core module – Research Skills.
Received and discussed feedback on the first draft of the conference paper, some points and issues raised are:
1) to try and not start sentences with an author,
2) I have to include my supervisor’s details on papers I write,
3) Be more precise, numerate the ‘most’ and ‘ a lot’,
4) Check references and make sure everyone cited has been referenced,
5) Try to be consistent with use of terms – people, individuals, users, carers,
6) Consistency with references and multiple authors.
The paper does not answer the question asked therefore more should be added in the conclusion to say how tradition MEETS innovation.
Paul suggested we try to submit the paper in the Health Informatics journal.
Stella advised to post a question online on how weblogs differ from other online communication tools like e-mails, chat rooms etc, also suggested e-mailing Jenny Preece for more information.
One hospice visit is left:-
The meeting at ........hospice went well, just waiting for their feedback on whether they would like to take part in the research project.
Paul offered to write a standard letter to thank the hospices for their hospitality and time taken to discuss the project and also to request an official letter of their acceptance to take part in the project.
We then discussed the RDC1 and the first draft was handed in. Supervisors identified some of the risks for the risk assessment and Paul will ask Lisa Beeston to stand in as a safeguard on the emotional risk I might go through.
The next meeting is on the 13th of December 2006 at 11:00am.
Things to do by next meeting
Get the hand in deadline for the RDC1.The next Research Degrees Sub-Committee will be on Tuesday 30-Jan-07 at 9:30am in Stafford.
Remind Paul to write the standard hospice letter.
Check Health Informatics author guidelines for manuscript submission.
Check .............hospice research proposal forms and see what additional information is needed to complete them.
To check the LREC/ MREC ethics procedures and important deadlines to look out for.
Practise using Endnote in word in, and how to activate ‘cite while you write’ tool – ask Nardia for help.