Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Private weblogs

Private weblogs
Well, I have decided to change the way I inform you on what I am doing. I can still put a week planner if need be but just for my records and archive and to manage my time better. From now on I will be trialling my new procedure. I will be writing on the interesting things I am doing or discovering.At the moment I am looking at how search engines actually identify weblogs. I mean because the URL for weblogs is just like any other, it has to distinctive character so to speak. I found out though that you can actually load software to the directory of your webpage. This software is called robots text file. Yes! it is a text file that you can create and apparently when search engines send webcrawlers or spiders around the web, the robot txt informs the serach engines to ignore your domain, yeah they tell the spiders that they are unwelcome and therefore cannot index the contents of your directory. I think thats pretty neat. Anyway this is just one way of keeping your blog private if you did not want everyone reading it. Its just like the lock on your good old diary that you kept under the matress, yeah I know that, thats where I kept mine as well.If you wanted to keep your weblog invisible there is software that you could use to make them invisible or anonymous. a few that I have read about are:
1) Tor for bloggers - this piece of software routes your published blogs through multiple onion routers. Onion Routing prevents the transport medium from knowing who is communicating with whom , you can download the system at
2) Invisiblog this system uses a mixmaster technology that sends encrypted blogs, Invisiblog says We can’t reveal your name or IP address - not even accidentally, or at gunpoint, or under a court order - because we simply don’t have that information.
3) Third and final one is the anonymiser which conceals your computer's IP address and location.
This list is not exhaustive, what with the ever increasing development of technology, for an extensive list I would suggest Kuhns and Crew's book Blogosphere - best of blogs. Its quite a handy book