Well I really dont have much to post at the moment. I am still busy reading phenomenological and grounded theory methods. I think I am a bit biased towards Grounded Theory because it was developed during a study for dying patients and it just seems a bit more relevant to what I will be doing - dealing with patients in hospices.
I am also about to complete my Basic Counselling skills course, which has been a big help to me and jump started my personal growth and developement. It is really a challenging course which requires an individual to use their heart rather than their heads and in this way you become able to deal with people, stuff and almost anything as you are more aware of things around you and why you act they way you do or the resaon you are the person you are and how to change that. I have learnt how to deal with issues that have affected me for a long time and move on. Life gets a bit clearer (like seeing the bigger picture in life). I guess it would be like chanting for Buddhist. I have enjoyed it, I might even post my final assignment which is a journal of my personal journey during the course.