Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 18th of September 2007 at 11:00am in Paul Kingston’s Office.
Present: NN, PK, SM
1) I received feedback of an article / paper that I submitted on phenomenology and Grounded Theory methods from Stella, Paul said it would be best to ask Lou to read the paper and offer advice on the content.
2) We then discussed the feedback from the NHS LREC. The ethics application was not approved, and we decided to reapply after attending to the concerns brought up by the committee.
3) We discussed the development of the website to be used for the project. I have to find out where to purchase the URL for the website and what tools I need to create the website. I have spoken to Kamran to get assistance with Content Management Systems creation.
4) The content of the Literature review chapters has not changed but I have asked for an extension on the deadline as I cannot proceed with writing until positive outcome from the ethics committee as I might need to change the project.
5) We reviewed the feedback received from the reviewers of the Health Informatics journal of the paper I had submitted.
6) An abstract I submitted to ‘The Space between’ conference in Inverness has been accepted as a poster presentation. The conference is organised by the Highland Hospice and will explore the use of technology in palliative care
Things to do by next meeting
1) Work on the issues raised by the North Staffordshire Research Ethics committee, and prepare a new application
2) Continue working on the literature review
3) Explore the design and development of the website
4) Design the poster for the Inverness conference
5) Work on the changes and amendments suggested by the Health Informatics Journal reviewers.