Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 2nd of June 2008 at 9:00am in BL167.
Present: PK, NN, SM
1) We discussed and I gave feedback on the meeting that Stella and I attended at …… Hospice on the 24th of April. We presented the amended documents with suggestions that were given at …… Hospice. A few suggestions were made as follows:
· Change the wording on the mental capacity inclusion of participants, and suggest that if there is any change in their circumstances, their participation can be renegotiated after discussion.
· Inform the participants that if they have problems emotional or otherwise due to blogging they can speak to any member of the hospice team.
2) We also confirmed the meeting date for ……. Hospice which is on the 9th of June 2008 at 2pm. We agreed that Stella would meet us at the Centre for Ageing and Mental Health and we will then travel together, leaving at 12:30pm.
3) I shared information on the PhD day conference that I attended at Nottingham University. I also shared my concerns on the sample size of my project and issue of the recruiting time. I suggested searching the internet for blogs of terminally ill patients, carers and staff members. I could then include the analysis of these blogs in my thesis, and would be good to also use the LIWC for practice.
4) We discussed how to move forward with the thesis. I have done the drafts for Chapter 2 and 4. I now have to complete Chapter 3 draft which I have started. I will submit to Stella by the end of June and work on the revisions of Chapter 2.
5) I need to submit my RDC2 transfer application by the 20th of June. I will work on the progress report and the contents of the report will be discussed in the next meeting.
6) The next meeting was set up for Monday the 16th of June at 12:00pm.
Things to do by next meeting
1) Complete the first draft of Chapter 3 of the thesis.
2) Make the necessary changes suggested at …….. Hospice.
3) Work on the RDC2 progress report.