Friday, 17 October 2008

Supervision meeting

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 17th of October 2008 at 2:00pm in K352.

Present: NN, SM

1) We discussed the layout and content of the thesis. We tentatively agreed that the thesis would have 2 studies on a large scale. The 1st study would be using the online recruits and would report on whether the blogs are therapeutic and an observation of the emerging themes.
2) The 2nd study would be using hospice participants. The conclusion will then be used to develop a theoretical framework on the usage (how, when, what for) of blogs within an end of life context. The studies are measuring the wellbeing of participants after blogging through positive and negative emotions. The theoretical framework would be further used to inform and develop general practice guidelines on the use of weblogs in palliative care.
3) We had a discussion on the original contribution of the PhD in preparation for the RDC 2 transfer viva on Monday the 27th of October at 11am. SM contacted the chair of the transfer viva to confirm on the content of the interview.
4) SM advised on potential information to revise for the interview.
5) We also had a brief discussion on the presentation of the Austria conference (3rd – 5th of November) Paper. Mock run of the presentation will be held on Thursday the 30th of October at Blackheath Lane. Rob Merchant and Stella will be present.