Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Has been a while

I know it has been a while since I last updated my blog, but in excuse I have been very very busy, not that I am saying you out there reasing this blog are not busy, but you know an excuse is an excuse.
I am well at the moment, I just went through my MPhil upgrade a few weeks back and got a few knockbacks and so have been licking my wounds (Jokes it wasnt that bad). I have a few amendedments to do and then the upgrade will pass and then back to the field.
I have started doing some interviews within the hospices but at this stage it is mostly with the professionals within the hospice just to clarify a few points like research in palliative care and gatekeeping. I have had some interesting views and I cant wait to muck it and start working with the data. I am hoping to start doing the online interviews soon as well. I think this weekend will be spent following and chasing up participants online and asking them to take part in the interviews and looking into e-consent.
I will log back soon to let you know how it all went and how its all going. I finish this session of interviews on the 5th of December and thats all the data for study 3, which reminds me I have to look at the layout of my thesis again.
I have had a good response from some people online which is really good and I am pleased about it all.