Monday, 27 July 2009

Long time, no post

I know it has been a while since I last updated my blog, but in my defence I have been extremely busy with the thesis and changes to be made and just running around like a headless chicken. I guess it is that time in the course of a PhD process to start panicking at the slightest thing to be done or changed. I mean you would think after 3 years of doing this I would be a bit more relaxed, but no it just gets more stressul with the nearing of submission, and dont get me started on the viva. I have decided I am not going to even think about that otherwise my whole time will be spent biting my nails and a consequence of that - no work done (because my fingers will be in my mouth instead of on the keyboard) and lets not even talk about the sleepless nights.

I have been slacking with my supervision notes although I have been writing them. Its just that because most of the meetings are a discussion of the chapters, most of the notes are stuck on the hardcopy of the chapters so that I dont forget waht to amend etc.

Anyway I will try to popo in more often now. At the moment I am working on a chapter that I am contributing with another colleague in Netherlands and I am also working on amendments of the chapters in order to develop a complete draft. I should get this done by the 17th of August and hopefully get feedback ob the 25th so that I can start working on the final draft of what should be in or out of the thesis. Well at least thats what we discussed in the last meeting, so I have to go because the more time I spend here the less I do on my thesis - ah yes and the conference paper for September - forgot all about that. Now I really have to go.
Bye and take care see you soon.
P/S Read the pallimed blog, its brilliant

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Supervision meeting

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 28th of April 2009 at 11am at Beaconside

Present: SM, and NN.

1) We discussed the themes for the second study and the categories derived from the data.
2) SM suggested reviewing all the categories and making a better description/explanation of the tables and also to justify the categories. A better, clearer and appropriate sense of data audit trail is necessary for readers to understand how the themes emerge from the data and the process I used.
3) We agreed that I would need a tree diagram that showed how I got from the data to the codes that led to the categories used to build the themes.
4) We then discussed the content of the themes, and we agreed that the themes should be linked to ones from the previous study. I should include the theme about research and show that it is a recurrent theme from the previous study.
5) An interesting category I identified within the data is the use or non-use of new technologies by elderly people. Although one person mentioned this it will be interesting to explore this as I have interpreted that it as an explanation to the answers in the previous study of old people not using technology.
6) SM advised to refer to the cultural lag literature and look at the history of technology and backward compatibility. Some useful references are Jenny Preece, and Shirley Turkell
7) With the discussion I get add another sub section of other points and discuss interesting points that have come up within the study.
8) SM advised to do a trend analysis of the blog contents for the LIWC as I would have to explain and justify why I have decided to use only two blog posts (1st and last) for analysis and results.

Things to do by next meeting

1) NN to do a trend analysis of the blog post LIWC results

2) PK and SM will decide and bring some names for examiners

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Spervision Meeting

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 7th of April 2009 at 15:00pm in Paul’s Office, BL167.

Present: PK, SM, and NN.

1) I submitted Chapter 6 of the thesis which is the study of the hospice officers.
2) We briefly discussed the contents of this chapter and how it links with all the other chapters.
3) PK and SM advised on the layout of the thesis and also advised on the importance of chapters 8 and 9. Chapter 8 is the synthesis chapter which brings together the three studies and also builds the framework developed within the thesis. Chapter 9 is the conclusion which should review the strengths and weaknesses of the thesis.
4) We all agreed I would continue to work on the analysis of the next study, which is about the online participants.
5) We discussed the time schedule and tentative deadlines for the chapters (about 6 weeks each) and the complete draft of the thesis (August).
6) PK said if I had not completed by the end of my funding there was a possibility (not guarantee) of getting a part-time extension for 2 or 3 months.
7) I have also decided to look for and possible apply for jobs with a start date after September. SM, and PK advised not to lose focus on the thesis but we all agreed it would be okay to do so.
8) We had a brief discussion about examiners, but PK and SM will make the decisions.
9) Next supervision meeting will be Tuesday 28th of April at 10am.

Things to do by next meeting

1) NN to complete the preliminary analysis for the 2nd study and send to supervisors for approval before completing the chapter
2) PK and SM will try to bring feedback of Chapter 6.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Work, work, work

I know I havent written in long long while. I have been very busy so far but I just got some time to jot a short message just to say I am still alive for those who might have been worried (not that there will be many who would have been worried but anyway....)

I have finished data collection and analysis for Study 1 and am trying to write up the chapter now. I am a bit behind, (well not just a bit) with my schedule, so I am trying to catch up on the work. I have just about completed data collection for the 2nd study and have to do the analysis of the blogs and decide which stats if any to use. For the next two weeks I will just concentrate on writing up the Chapter and then I have the interviews for study 3 and then writing, writing ,writing and more writing. I am hoping to get a complete 1st draft by June and after that just work on editing. Well when I put it like that I can see a light at the end o the tunnel and maybe this is doable after all. well it should because if I have to do this for another year I just might.... who knows what I might do.

I have actually enjoyed doing the interviews with the online paticipants. It did get a bit stressful because of lack of technology and one or two of the interviews we had to resrt to e-mail as the internet phone would not log on and 2 of the interviews had to be done via landline as the internet service was down, and I was running around like a headless chicken all stressed out, but hey hooo cest la vie.

I am thinking of putting up my current schedule, and where I am so that I can keep a check on myself and get my head down and do the work. I will also post up my supervision meeting minutes so that I can remind mself what was discussed.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Supervision meeting

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 29th of January 2008 at 3:30pm in BL167.

Present: NN, SM and Nardia Corp observing

1) We had a brief discussion on the guidelines I have done so far. Stella advised to look at the user profiles in more depth and match their needs to the guidelines.
2) We looked at the templates that are used on We decided it would be better to select the templates that are in sync with the guidelines. Participants would then be advised to use the selected templates.
3) We also discussed on the use of colours for the website. I will need to research into colours and their associative emotions for the design guidelines.
4) Next meeting will be on Monday 11th of February at 10:00am

Things to do by next meeting
1) Read on safety critical systems for interface design.
2) Research into cognitive load and computer use
3) Design the website prototype

Friday, 9 January 2009

Supervision meeting

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 9th of January 2009 at 14:30pm in Paul’s Office, BL167.

Present: NN, SM, PK, and NLM

1) We discussed feedback on the Methodology chapter. PK advised to give careful attention to the titles and headings of sections.
2) We all agreed that I should work on the layout of the chapter and rearrange the ethical section to include research ethics and how their impact on internet research
3) PK advised on how to make the chapter flow better by always telling the reader what they will read and where to find specific information within the chapter or thesis.
4) We also agreed that the chapter was too dense and needed some diagrammatical and pictorial illustrations to break up the text and make it less boring. The chapter should include a table or flowchart with justifications of my chosen methodologies and paradigm.
5) We then discussed the preliminary analysis of the first study from the hospices on the response rate. A clearer table is needed to indicate the source and the interviewee and the frequency of the codes.
6) NN to condense the categories into the themes and its sub categories which will then be confirmed and validated by both supervisors and Nick before I start writing up
7) We also briefly discussed on the time schedule and career progression.
8) We decided to continue this discussion of job applications at a later date when I have finished data collection and completed the first complete draft of the thesis.

Things to do by next meeting

1) NN to condense the categories into the themes and its sub categories on a tree diagram