Tuesday, 5 August 2008

Lit Review Chapter 3

I guess all I can say for now is I am busy trying to complete my Literature review. I have so many other things going on, but I have to finish this in order to concentrate on my other work.

I am going to Barnsley hospice on Thursday and hopefully I will have some good news after that. Although most of the hospices were enthusiastic about the research, the response is still very slow and does not look promising at all, I am thinking of changing the study to incorporate existing blogs. At least that way I can catch up on the time I lost dealing with NHS ethics and get on with the field research. I will wait till end of August and then review to see if the change is necessary. I will not remove the hospices completely because if I do get participants then it would still be useful data that I can use to compare with people who are already blogging on their own initiative.

Anyway I have to head home now, I will write soon.

1 comment:

Dan said...

The ''Prof. Sandeep Krishnamurthy'' link on that post you commented on has his contact info, and in my case he was extremely gracious about emailing me a PDF copy of the paper.

I won't be home until about 10 Central time tonight, but if I can find my copy I'll send it to the hotmail address associated with your Blogger account.