Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Thing four - Building a Network

I know I am so far behind in this module but I am determined to complete it and do the next one as well. I guess my attempt to write for 30 minutes a day has failed as well, but I do not give up so easily. I guess that's why I am were I am in life (depends which way you look at it). Anyway thing four is building a network.

So - Twitter. I have created a twitter account, but I always find I have nothing new to tweet about. I either am re-tweeting other people's ideas or have lame twits. I am not sure how I can stay on top of this. By nature, I am a round about speaker. I say what I have to say in three or more sentences and so micro-blogging may not be for me. Or maybe I need a better smartphone - that way I can always be on the ready to tweet. But then I get to crossroads with the work, life balance because if I am using my phone to twit about work etc I can never switch off completely - One can never win can one?
I was not aware that I could tweet a new blog post. Maybe if I manage to keep my writing for 30 minutes each day I could try tweeting that. I really like the idea of all this but I just wonder when people get the time to do this. Better time management - I hear someone say, but I feel I manage my time so much that I have become a micro-manager and trust me - it takes all the fun from living. My life has become too rigid, I think there is more to life than watching the clock tick and counting down the seconds and minutes to the next task - although having said that I really like the feeling that accompanies ticking off a task from my to do list. I am still not sure how I can tweet a blog post as I am not using word press (so if anyone out there knows how to do it in blogger please help!)

Thats all for today, and with the way I am feeling, I will be back tomorrow. Oh by the way I am feeling the way I am feeling because of the new book I am reading, by Dale Carnegie. I would greatly recommend the book. I am only in Chapter 3 and I am buzzing, and trust me, buzzing is not a word I use normally but in this case I am with a Capital Z, so go and beg, borrow or steal if you have to the book, How to stop worrying and start living (I think thats the Title). More about it tomorrow.

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