Monday, 15 January 2007

Supervision Meeting 7

Supervisory Meeting 7 for Nothando Ngwenya – Monday 15th of January 2007 at 10:30am in Stella Mill’s office

Present: NN, SM

Discussed the wording of the letter I had written to be sent to the 3 hospices that have shown an interest in taking part in the Research. Stella made the necessary changes.
Worked on the Independent Study module descriptor and made few changes which included:-
1) Reducing the learning outcomes from five to three
2) Form of assessment was changed; I no longer need to do a reflective piece as it is a requirement for another module and would be a repetition, I also will not be doing a report on a conference as the assessment already in place would be enough for 30credits.
We decided to change the working title of the project from: The usability and usage of weblogs in hospice settings, to The usage of weblogs in hospice settings. This is because the project will not test the usability of the blog for the hospice users to a great deal although a heuristic evaluation and some testing will be done after designing the blog.
We decided to use outpatients for the project due to the critical condition of some inpatients and the fact that they may not be able to use the blog due to severe illness.

Things to do by next meeting

Make necessary changes to the Independent Study module proposal form.
Research on universities that may offer courses on writing, therapeutic writing to try and gather more information for the literature review.
Check completed thesis in the library to see the layout and content of the Introduction/ Literature review.
Stella will draft a letter to ……. hospice.

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