Friday, 5 January 2007

Supervision meeting

Supervisory Meeting 8 for Nothando Ngwenya – Monday 5th of January 2007 at 3:30pm in Paul Kingston’s office

Present: NN, PK, SM

We had a discussion of the Independent peer review form and the following changes were agreed upon:
The project does not have outcome measures and hence not appropriate.
The study is a cross-sectional and not a longitudinal study.
As both supervisors are experienced in qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis, no external advisors were required.
It was greed that the Grounded Theory is the best method but should still discuss with Lou.
Letter of collaboration has been received from St Katherine hospice.
Diana has shown an interest in being an external reviewer but expresses concern that it may be a conflict of interest as she works in one of the collaborating research centres.
A 3rd reviewer was suggested by Stella, and advised to get the contact details from Ian Sunley (lecturer in FCET).
A brief discussion was held on the Literature review part of the thesis and was advised to start working on it as some parts like the characteristics of user groups will be necessary for the design of the weblog.
Everyone is now satisfied with the RDC1 and IPR form and they can both be submitted.

Things to do by next meeting

E-mail Ian Sunley and get contact details for the 3rd external reviewer.
Remind Paul to complete his proforma CV for next meeting.
Research on posting pod casts on the weblogs and audio transcriptions (changing audio file to text).
4. To produce a flow chart diagram for the detailed plan of investigation to be submitted with the Independent peer review form.

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