Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 11th of December 2007 at 4:30pm in Paul Kingston’s office
Present: NN, SM, PK
1) We discussed the feedback from the NHS LREC. The ethics application was approved subject to a few amendments and clarification on the following information:
· The committee requested that I ask the hospices to send information on their general patient population
· The second consent form could incorporated into the initial consent form
· The participant Information sheet and interview schedule should be rewritten in a more even handed way
· Roles of participants, relatives and staff should be clearly separated
· The poster should indicate the minimum time commitment from the participants – (3 months)
2) I would have to write a letter to the hospices and give them an update on the NHS ethical review outcome, and also to request them to write a letter to the Committee with a description of their general patient population.
3) We briefly discussed the health informatics paper and the feedback we received. Nothing was decided then, Stella advised me to just concentrate on the PhD Literature review at the moment and getting ethical approval.
4) I gave feedback on the Inverness conference, as all went well. It was quite an interesting event and I got some information on research being conducted in the hospice environment.
5) I also discussed the change to the web design for my project. I will no longer be designing a website that hosts the blogs but will design the front page. The website will then have links to the participants’ blogs. Participants will be advised to use and will also be taught on how to use the website. This will enable users to continue blogging if they so wished after the end of the project.
6) I will be accompanying Nick to a GMS (Geriatric Mental State) training in Liverpool from the 17th to the 20th of December. Although the tool is not for my project we felt it would be good experience and opportunity to know it for future work.
Things to do by next meeting
1) Work on the issues raised by the North Staffordshire Research Ethics committee, and write to the hospices requesting the required information for the LREC
2) Continue working on the literature review
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