Wednesday, 9 January 2008

First Meeting this year of 2008!!!!!!

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 9th of January 2008 at 1pm in Paul Kingston’s Office.

Present: NN, PK, SM

1) I gave an update on the letters that we sent to the hospices requesting general patient population.
2) The LREC wrote a letter to say they had received all the amendments they had requested except for the hospice letters. They will therefore be waiting for the letters from the hospices before they can give a favourable opinion to the ethical application.
3) We discussed the placement opportunities that I was trying to arrange. I will contact both ……..Hospice and …….. to see whether I could do 10days work experience.
4) We then discussed the schedule for the data collection part of the project. Paul advised that I should include some time to go back to the hospices to motivate the participants to keep blogging.
5) I then shared my concern on using a questionnaire for the research. I was mainly concerned about the time I would have to analyse the interview data in order to create the questionnaires for the last part of the data collection section. We reviewed the need of the questionnaire and Stella advised that I could employ both unstructured and structured interview methods. If the first part of the interview is unstructured and the second part is more structured, then I could get both qualitative and quantitative data.
6) I informed my supervisors that I have completed my PgCRM (Postgraduate certificate in Research Methods) which is a requirement for my PhD upgrade.
7) Stella then advised that I start working on the user characteristics for the design of the website to help with the design guidelines.

Things to do by next meeting
1) Follow up on the hospice letters to the LREC committee.
2) Do some research and on user characteristics and develop design guidelines for the website.

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