Thursday, 17 April 2008

Supervision meeting

Supervision Meeting for Nothando Ngwenya on the 17th of April 2008 at 4:15pm in Paul Kingston’s Office.

Present: PK, NN, SM

1) We had a discussion and gave feedback on the meeting that Stella and I attended at ….. Hospice on the 9th of April 2008. Feedback that we received at …… Hospice is as follows:
· Remove the bold and underlining of text within the information and consent sheet as this gives the impression that some information is more important than other.
· Add the amount of blogging time that will be required of the participants (3 months).
· Change the wording on the mental capacity inclusion of participants, to give them the option to either continue or withdraw
· Inform the participants that the supervisors will have access to the weblogs and might see the content.
· We also implemented a procedure of reporting distressing information or when it is necessary to breach confidentiality
2) We briefly discussed how we would recruit carers as there are limited support activities were I might contact them. We agreed that we would decide that when I start recruiting patients as their carers may be potential participants.
3) The way forward at …….. would be to attend a meeting with the day hospice team and decide on a recruiting strategy.
4) We all are in agreement on recruiting people who might be blogging already, and to include bereaved carers as they are involved in palliative care.
5) We briefly discussed attending the Life before death exhibition at the Wellcome Collection in London.
6) We agreed on that I would complete the first draft of Chapter 2 and submit it to Paul whilst Stella works on my Chapter 4 Revisions. To submit Chapter 2 on the 18th of April 2008.
7) Meeting at …….. Hospice will be on Thursday the 24th of April 2008 at 3pm.

Things to do by next meeting
1) Complete the first draft of Chapter 2 of the thesis.
2) Make the necessary changes suggested at …… Hospice and discussed during the meeting.
3) Chase up on appointment dates with …… and ……. Hospices.

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