Friday, 16 May 2008

Abstract for conference on the 13th of May 2008

Can Weblogs be a Complementary Therapy in Palliative Care?

There is increasing interest and a growing body of literature that connects creative therapies and well-being. Different schools of thought from both the arts and sciences have tried to explain the connection between creative writing and health benefits with many theories being postulated. There is no single theory that convincingly explains why and how creative writing benefits health, but what is important is the effect on patients' health and sense of well-being, whether self-reported or clinically observed. This research is interested in exploring creative writing within the ever-growing technological era in hospice setting. Technological advances have had a huge impact on people's lifestyles, changing the way individuals communicate. There has been an increasing demand on the use of the internet and computer-mediated communication (CMC) for health benefits giving a rise to a new field known as cyber therapy. We have seen the success of computer-mediated communication in different settings within the health service. We have also seen the positive role of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies in palliative care. The imperative question within this research is whether web logs can be used as cyber therapy within the CAM framework in palliative care.


Sue Ryder Care Centre for Palliative and End of Life Studies, School of Nursing

PhD Day – Tuesday May 13th 2008

Venue: Coates Building, A7, University Park Campus, Nottingham

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