Sunday 25 March 2007


I have recieved feedback on my PhD registration. Few changes to be made but all in all I am happy with the feedback. I have been asked to clarify some points like how many participants I will use for the research. I will be using 90 people in total, 30 participants from each group with a total of 3 groups.I also have to add references to my methodological section and redraft my outcomes. Hopefully all this will be sorted by the end of May, then I can get into the design of the weblog. I am also at present looking into the philosophy of social research. This is so I can build the theoretical framework for my project. I will hopefully start writing the method chapter of my thesis. I have had a look at other thesis that have been submitted in Psychology and none of them have a designated method chapter, I have had a look at Paul's Thesis which I might just use as reference. I will be going to Keele as well to check out the style of writing a thesis. This is all so that I can know what depth to go into the philosophies as there is a lot of information on the subject and it just gets more and more confusing. I will update you soon on what I have read so far .

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